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Outdoor Style, But Make It Retro!

Can we imagine that this 9,000 degree Texas weather is really more like 87? Since we are day dreaming - we’re picturing ourselves in 1962, Palm Springs, laying poolside in our yellow polka dot bikinis. Enjoying the smell of sunscreen and gin & tonic in the air. (SIGH)

While it may not be 1962 anymore, we can still enjoy our Palm Springs fantasy from the comfort of our very own backyards. Luxxe Owner, Brittany Kroll, is here to take us back to the good old days with her favorite summer accessories to help you dress up your outdoor space.

Brittany Kroll, The Luxxe Look, The Luxxe Beauty Company, Dallas Entrepreneur

Let's take a trip to another era - one that highlights gorgeous prints, bold colors, natural wood, and geometric shapes.



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